OCOA Merchandise

The OCOA is a non-profit organization. Proceeds from sales aid in our operations, and are used for other benevolent purposes, including children’s education about our natural resources. All items below are available to the public.

Please email Adrian Roussy (aroussy@ocoa.ca) to
confirm availability before sending payments.
Interac etransfer, cheque or money orders are accepted.
Most orders will be shipped within 2 weeks of receipt of order.

All prices in Canadian funds ($Cdn), and taxes are included.

OCOA 125th 1892-2017 Challenge Coin

$10 plus $4 shipping for one coin. Contact Sean for higher quantities.

Men’s Green 125th 1892-2017 Sault Ste. Marie Conference Graphic T-shirt
100% Cotton
$15.00 each plus shipping.  Sizes: Men’s XS, S, M, L, XL
Shipping: $10 plus $2 per additional item.


Womens Violet Graphic T-shirt
100% Cotton
$15.00 each plus shipping. Sizes: Women’s XS, S, M, L, XL
Shipping: $10 plus $2 per additional item.



Please contact the OCOA Merchandise coordinator Adrian Roussy for questions and ordering.