OCOA History of Executive Members

The OCOA began in 1979, when a group of dedicated and concerned Conservation Officers first met in the basement of the Leslie M. Frost Natural Resource Centre near Dorset, Ontario.

Current Executive (2023-2025)

President: Brendan Cote
Past President: Matt McVittie
Vice President: Davis Viehbeck
Secretary: Joe Fralick
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Travis Stromness
Northwest B: Joel Diebolt
Northeast: Stefan DeSantis
Central A: Micah Plourde
Central B: Todd Steinberg
Southern A: Ben Sumner
Southern B: Tod Cairns
Southern C: Joe Fralick
Retired CO’s: Gary Zacher

Membership: Randy Pepper
Newsletter Editor: Chris Jones
Merchandise: Adrian Roussy
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site/Multi Media: Ron Arnold
Tech Support: Graham Dunville
Who’s Where: Graham Dunville


President: Matt McVittie
Past President: Sean Cronsberry
Vice President: Derek Hebner
Secretary: Mike Duncan
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Travis Stromness
Northwest B: Joel Diebolt
Northeast: Stefan DeSantis
Central A: Micah Plourde
Central B: Todd Steinberg
Southern A: Ben Sumner
Southern B: Tod Cairns
Southern C: Joe Fralick
Retired CO’s: Gary Zacher

Membership: Charles Brooks
Newsletter Editor: Chris Jones
Merchandise: Sean Armstrong
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site/Multi Media: Ron Arnold
Tech Support: Graham Dunville
Who’s Where: Graham Dunville


President: Sean Cronsberry
Past President: Tim Rochette
Vice President: Todd Steinberg
Secretary: Mike Duncan
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Travis Stromness
Northwest B: Joel Diebolt
Northeast: Kyle Smith
Central A: Micah Plourde
Central B: Matt McVittie
Southern A: Drew Pegrum (was Geoff Denyes to end 2018)
Southern B: Mike Campese
Southern C: Rob Ciraco
Retired CO’s: Don Weltz

Membership: Charles Brooks
Newsletter Editor: Chris Jones
Merchandise: Sean Armstrong
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site/Multi Media: Ron Arnold
Tech Support: Graham Dunville
Who’s Where: Graham Dunville


President: Tim Rochette
Past President: Joe McCambridge
Vice President: Sean Cronsberry
Secretary: Mike Duncan
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Ben Slack
Northwest B: Davis Viehbeck
Northeast: Kyle Wood
Central A: Richard Nadeau
Central B: Todd Steinberg
Southern A: Geoff Denyes
Southern B: Mike Campese
Southern C: Rob Ciraco
Retired CO’s: Don Weltz

Membership: Charles Brooks
Newsletter Editor: Matt McVittie
Merchandise: Sean Armstrong
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site/Multi Media: Ron Arnold
Tech Support: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Ken Snowden


President: Tim Rochette
Past President: Joe McCambridge
Vice President: Sean Cronsberry
Secretary: Mike Duncan
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Matt Brooks–>Ben Slack
Northwest B: Steve Emms
Northeast: Kyle Morrison–>Kyle Wood
Central A: Richard Nadeau
Central B: Mark McKernon–>Todd Steinberg
Southern A: Geoff Denyes
Southern B: Mike Campese
Southern C: Gary Rupert–>Rob Ciraco

Membership: Charles Brooks
Newsletter Editor: Matt McVittie
Merchandise: Marc Gibson
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site/Multi Media: Ron Arnold
Tech Support: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Ken Snowden


President: Joe McCambridge
Past President: Mike Duncan
Vice President: Tim Rochette
Secretary: Dave Beavers
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Matt Brooks
Northwest B: Steve Emms
Northeast: Kyle Morrison
Central A: Kirk Silver–>Richard Nadeau
Central B: Mark McKernon
Southern A: Sean Cronsberry
Southern B: Rich Henry
Southern C: Gary Rupert

Membership: Charles Brooks
Newsletter Editor: Rob Ciraco
Merchandise: Marc Gibson
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site: Dan Slater–>Ron Arnold
Who’s Where: Kirk Silver–>Ken Snowden


President: Mike Duncan
Past President: Dan Van Exan
Vice President: Tim Rochette
Secretary: Dave Beavers
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Tim Neidenbach–>Matt Brooks
Northwest B: Rick Leblanc
Northeast: Kyle Morrison
Central A: Kirk Silver
Central B: Joe McCambridge
Southern A: Charles Brooks
Southern B: Rick Williams
Southern C: Gary Rupert

Membership: Duncan Hall
Newsletter Editor: Rob Ciraco
Merchandise: Marc Gibson
Media: Mark McMillan
Web Site: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Roch Delorme–>Kirk Silver


President: Dan Van Exan
Past President: Jim McMullen
Vice President: Mike Duncan
Secretary: Duncan Hall
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Tim Neidenbach
Northwest B: Rick Leblanc
Northeast: Bill McCord–>Kyle Morrison
Central A: Tim Rochette–>Kirk Silver
Central B: Joe McCambridge
Southern A: Dave Beavers–>Charles Brooks
Southern B: Rick Williams
Southern C: Jeff Bendig

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: David Critchlow
Merchandise: Marc Gibson
Media: Peter Gilboe
Web Site: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Roch Delorme


President: Dan Van Exan
Past President: Jim McMullen
Vice President: Mike Duncan
Secretary: Duncan Hall
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Kirk Silver–>Tim Neidenbach
Northwest B: Derek Hebner
Northeast: Peter Koskela–>Bill McCord
Central A: Tim Rochette
Central B: Joe McCambridge
Southern A: Dave Beavers
Southern B: Rick Williams
Southern C: Dan VanExan–>Jeff Bendig

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: David Critchlow
Merchandise: James Abbott–>Jeff Anderson
Web Site: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Roch Delorme


President: Jim McMullen
Past President: Bill Fisher
Vice President: Rick Maw
Secretary: Duncan Hall
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Mark Gadowski
Northwest B: Mark Halley–>Derek Hebner
Northeast: Kyle Cachagee
Central A: Roch Delorme
Central B: Mike Duncan–>Joe McCambridge
Southern A: Dave Beavers
Southern B: Brett Cachagee
Southern C: Dan VanExan

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Bruce Tomlinson–>David Critchlow
Merchandise: James Abbott
Web Site: Dan Slater
Who’s Where: Roch Delorme


President: Jim McMullen
Past President: Bill Fisher
Vice President: Rick Maw
Secretary: Duncan Hall
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Rick Leblanc–>Mark Gadowski
Northwest B: Bill Phelan–>Mark Halley
Northeast: Kyle Cachagee
Central A: Roch Delorme
Central B: Tim Rochette
Southern A: Brian Boland–>Dave Beavers
Southern B: Brett Cachagee
Southern C: Dan VanExan

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Bruce Tomlinson
Merchandise: James Abbott
Web Site: Dan Slater


President: Bill Fisher
Past President: Rick Dupuis
Vice President: Dan McKnight
Secretary: Steve Aubry
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Kevin Elliott
Northwest B: Bill Phelan
Northeast: Kyle Cachagee
Central A: Roch Delorme
Central B: Jim McMullen
Southern A: Garry Warner–>Brian Boland
Southern B: Rick Maw
Southern C: Ben Kelly

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Bruce Tomlinson
Merchandise: James Abbott
Web Site: Dan Slater


President: Bill Fisher
Past President: Rick Dupuis
Vice President: Dan Mcknight
Secretary: Steve Aubry
Treasurer: Randy Pepper

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Andy Lock–>Kevin Elliott
Northwest B: Paul Dennis
Northeast: Kyle Cachagee
Central A: Jim McMullen
Central B: Reg Devost
Southern A: Garry Warner
Southern B: Rick Maw
Southern C: Ben Kelly

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Mike Regis
Merchandise: James Abbott


President: Rick Dupuis
Past President: Dan Van Exan
Vice President: Bill Fisher
Secretary: Jim Fry
Treasurer: Gerry Van Leeuwen

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Dan McKnight

Northwest B: Mark Riemenschneider–>Ted Chisholm
Northeast: Mark Russell
Central A: Reg Devost
Central B: Jim McMullen–>Randy Pepper
Southern A: Garry Warner
Southern B: Brad Labadie
Southern C: Steve Aubry

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Mike Regis
Merchandise: Vacant–>James Abbott


President: Dan Van Exan
Past President: Al Farrer
Vice President: Rick Dupuis
Secretary: Ian Anderson
Treasurer: Gerry Van Leeuwen

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Dan McKnight
Northwest B: Rick Maw
Northeast: Dan Slater
Central A: Randy Pepper
Central B: Steve Murray–>Mike Regis
Southern A: Ron Eastman
Southern B: Bill Fisher
Southern C: Brad Gerrie–>Bruce Ward

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Mike Regis
Merchandise: Smokey Cole–>Mitch Phinney


President: Al Farrer
Past President: Ian Anderson
Vice President: Rick Stankiewicz
Secretary: Jim Greenwood
Treasurer: Gerry Van Leeuwen

Regional Representatives:

Northwest A: Kevin Elliott
Northwest B: Rick Maw
Northeast: Dan Slater
Central A: Al Hyde–>Mike Regis
Central B: John Fitchett
Southern A: Ron Eastman
Southern B: Rick Dupuis
Southern C: Gary Martin

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Pat Brown
Merchandise: Smokey Cole


President: Al Farrer
Past President: Ian Anderson
Vice President: Rick Stankiewicz
Secretary: Ken Evans
Treasurer: Gerry Van Leeuwen

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Smokey Cole–>Doug Gibb
NorthCentral: Doug Vincent–>Ted Chisholm
Northeast: Al Hyde
Northern: Jim Abbott
Algonquin: John Fitchett
Central: Mark Robbins
Southwest: Jim Greenwood
Eastern: Gary Martin

Membership: Gerry Van Leeuwen
Newsletter Editor: Pat Brown
Merchandise: Smokey Cole


President: Ian Anderson
Past President: Bob Easton
Vice President: Dan Van Exan
Secretary: Allan Farrer
Treasurer: Gerry Van Leeuwen

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Freeman (Smokey) Cole
NorthCentral: Doug Vincent
Northeast: Gerry Van Leeuwen–>Mike Kilby
Northern: James Abbott
Algonquin: Tom Mipel-Beyer–>Rick Stankiewicz
Central: Ken Evans
Southwest: Jim Greenwood
Eastern: Mike MacDonald

Membership: Bruce Chenier
Newsletter Editor: Bruce Chenier
Merchandise: Smokey Cole


President: Ian Anderson
Past President: Bob Easton
Vice President: Dan Van Exan
Secretary: Ron Hartford
Treasurer: Al Farrer

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Smokey Cole
NorthCentral: Ted Chisholm
Northeast: Rick Stankiewicz
Northern: Sue Middleton
Algonquin: Norm Brown
Central: Randy Brooks
Southwest: Don Weltz
Eastern: Dave Arbour

Membership: Bruce Chenier
Newsletter Editor: Al Hyde/Brian Morrison—>Bruce Chenier
Merchandise: Gary Martin


President: Bob Easton
Past President: John Bailey
Vice President: Ted Chisholm
Secretary: Ron Hartford
Treasurer: Ben Attard–>Al Farrer

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Smokey Cole
NorthCentral: Al Farrer
Northeast: Ian Anderson
Northern: Dan Van Exan
Algonquin: Norm Brown
Central: Tim Boyd
Southwest: Don Weltz
Eastern: Dave Arbour

Membership: Ben Attard–>Dave Arbour
Newsletter Editor:  Dave Arbour
Merchandise: Ted Chisholm


President: John Baile–>Bob Easton
Past President: Gord Pollock
Vice President: Bob Easton

Secretary/Treasurer: Ben Attard

Regional Representatives:

Northeast: Gary Couillard

Membership: Ben Attard
Newsletter Editor: John Bailey


President: Gord Pollock
Vice President: Don Weltz

Secretary/Treasurer: Ben Attard

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Kerry Rowe
NorthCentral: Ted Chisholm–>Terry Leach
Northeast: Brian Pfrimmer
Algonquin: Rick Dodd
Southwest: Jim Walter–>Gary Couillard–>Mike Kilby
Eastern: Bob Easton

Newsletter Editor:


President: Don Weltz
Vice President: Gord Pollock

Secretary/Treasurer: Ben Attard

Regional Representatives:

Northwest: Brent Holstrom
NorthCentral: S. Elliot–>Don Love
Northeast: Terry Hicks
Northern: Bill Lafferty
Algonquin : Don Weltz–>S. Stock–>John Brisbane
Central: Kerry Rowe
Southwest: D. Middlebrook
Eastern: Ron Fabian

Newsletter Editor: