DUE DATE: March 6, 2015
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF), Enforcement Branch and the Ontario Conservation Officers Association (OCOA) have “harmonized” the selection process for our Conservation Officer of the Year Awards.
This process allows us to select one individual to receive both the OMNRF Enforcement Branch “Officer of the Year” trophy and the OCOA “Officer of the Year Award”.
In addition, the individual selected has their name put forward for:
- The Shikar Safari Ontario “Conservation Officer of the Year Award” – this award comes with a certificate and pewter plate. The Officer of the Year will also receive additional on-the-job life insurance, free from this organization and their name will be added to the plaque that is kept at the Enforcement Branch Office.
- The Midwest Association of Law Enforcement “Officer of the Year” Award.
- The OFAH award – which includes a plaque to keep and trophy that will have their name engraved on it which will remain on permanent display in the Conservation Officers section at the OFAH/Mario Cortellucci Hunting and Fishing Heritage Centre.
The selected Officer will also be nominated to receive:
- The NAWEOA Officer of the Year Award which includes:
- a “keeper” trophy;
- a plaque; and
- $1000 towards attending the conference to receive and be recognized by peers. Two Ontario Officers have been selected for this award to date: (Ian Anderson and Brian Morrison).
In the event that the selected Officer is not a member of the OCOA, the OCOA will select a second candidate to receive the OCOA Officer of the Year award.
March 6, 2015
To: Dawn Quinn, Administrative Assistant, Provincial Enforcement Operations, Enforcement Branch in Peterborough. 705 755-5325
(Please use e-mail if possible for the initial submission and mail any hard copies of support documents separately to Attention: Dawn Quinn)
* Selection criteria and submission format is outlined below.
Selection Criteria and Submission Format
(Excerpts from MNR/OCOA MOU)
The Officer of the Year Award is available to any active badge carrying Conservation Officer within the Ontario MNR Enforcement Program.
The award is not available to Deputy Conservation Officers, Police Officers who carry C.O. designation, Park Wardens, or any other individuals who are not full-time Conservation Officers, whose primary appointment is a Conservation Officer.
Officer names may be put forward by their peers, their supervisors or any other badge carrying member of the OMNR Enforcement Program. Nominations shall follow the agreed upon template and shall be submitted in that format.
The Officer of the Year shall be selected by a committee consisting of:
- The Provincial Enforcement Operations Manager and/or other nominees from the Enforcement Branch, as selected by the Director, Enforcement Branch
- A District Enforcement Manager as selected by the Director, Enforcement Branch
- A representative of Provincial Training Program as selected by the Director, Enforcement Branch
- OCOA President or his/her representative
- OCOA Vice-President or his/her representative
- OCOA Secretary or Treasurer or his/her representative
Mandatory Qualifications
I ______________________________ Title________________________ do hereby
verify that Conservation Officer _______________________________ meets the following basic criteria for the Ontario Conservation Officer of the Year Award:
- Must be a full time and properly appointed Conservation Officer in the Province of Ontario.
- An officer whose character is beyond reproach.
- An officer who is competent, knowledgeable, and capable.
- An officer who demonstrates professionalism in every facet of life.
Signature __________________________________ Date ______________________
Detailed Submission Criteria
NOTE: Only accomplishments achieved while employed as a full-time Conservation Officer will be considered.
Your nomination submission shall be:
- in written narrative format
- not more than seven pages in length
- include details to demonstrate your candidates Top Accomplishments
Please include support materials such as letters, certificates, awards, media coverage, photographs etc., with the nomination in addition to the written narrative (support documentation is not restricted to or part of the 7 page maximum for your text submission).
Each accomplishment will be evaluated based on:
- the scope of the accomplishment (national, provincial or local level)
- the impact or effect on natural resources enforcement
- how innovative it is
- how it demonstrates leadership
- how it was over and above the normal requirements for the nominee’s job
- how it contributed to the improvement of natural resources enforcement in Ontario
- how the nominee has been involved in the OCOA
- how the examples demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm, exceptional character and a career long dedication to natural resources law enforcement
- how the nominee contributed to their community and their involvement in the community.
Examples of Major Accomplishments:
NOTE: This is only a short list to help get you started. Major accomplishments may be in any area/aspect related to their career as a Conservation Officer.
- How this Officer was involved in promoting natural resources conservation and protection values and ethics in their local community. (either on duty or as a volunteer)
- Examples of how this Officer was or is involved in the OCOA
- New programs or projects that they may have initiated or been involved in
- Existing programs or projects that they may have taken a leadership role in
- Examples of how this Officer may have improved or moved a specific initiative forward
Optional Telephone Call
The selection committee reserves the right to call the nominator (s) as required to discuss and clarify sections in the nomination. Nominators should be prepared to speak to the points presented in their submission.